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SARS is cause for concern, not panic

May 16, 2003

Infectious disease expert Fred Sattler and microbiologist Michael M.C. Lai, speak to students and faculty members on SARS.

Top Chinese official visits Keck School

October 19, 2001

Wu Jie Ping, co-chair of the Chinese People's Congress and former president of Peking Union Medical College in Beijing, was the highest-ranking Chinese official to visit USC.

CHLA and China formalize pediatric medicine collaboration

August 7, 1998

The program will design and develop a collaborative pediatric research project and focus on ways to provide cost-effective, quality health care in both China and the U.S.

USC's IPR Assists China in New Smoking Prevention Efforts

March 20, 1998

The USC Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research aids the city of Wuhan in anti-smoking education.

Surgical Team Provides Care in Qinghai Province

January 19, 1998

An international telemedicine project links USC physicians and educators with their counterparts in Hong Kong and China to improve the education of Chinese physicians in Western medicine and promote preventive care and community health.

350 Million: China's Current Smoking Epidemic in Historical Perspective

Professor Carol Benedict will give a talk on the current smoking epidemic in China at Georgetown University.

China's Favourite Pottery for Tea, Yixing Ware

Art Gallery of Greater Victoria presents an exhibit of Yixing tea wares.

Visualizing Self-Inflicted Violence in late Imperial Chinese Religions

The Center for East Asian Studies Center at the University of Chicago presents a talk by Jimmy Yu.
