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Fighting Hepatitis B in the Asian American Community

A public talk that features discussion about Asian and Pacific Islanders who are infected with Hepatitis B in the United States.

Buddhist Medicine: The Role of Religion in the Transnational Translation of Medical Knowledge

C. Pierce Salguero will speak on Buddhist medicine at Duke University.

Do Different Health Insurance Plans in China Create Disparities in Health Care Utilization and Expenditures?

The Center for East Asian Studies at Stanford University features a public talk with Hai Fang.

Guan Xinbing ‘Officials’ Heartache’: Depression, Bureaucracy, and Therapeutic Governance in China

This talk addresses the Chinese phenomenon of guan xinbing “officials’ heartache,” with particular emphasis on the media’s representations of “officials’ suicides” since 2009.

Between Blood and Sex: The Contradictory Impact of Transnational AIDS Institutions on State Repression in China

Yan Long, postdoctoral fellow at the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society at Stanford University, presents an analysis of the transformation of repression against AIDS activism in China.

HIV/AIDS NGOs in China and Their Relationship with the Government

UCLA's Center for Chinese Studies presents a talk by Wan Yanhai.

Knowledge of and Vulnerability to Climate Change among Pastoralists in Central Tibet

The UCLA Asia Institute hosts a talk by Emily Yeh to discuss findings about Tibetan pastoralists’ knowledge of climate change, as well as factors leading to vulnerability to climate change, based on an interdisciplinary project conducted in Nagchu, in the northern part of the Tibet Autonomous Region, PRC.

Financing Health Care for All: The Taiwan Experience: SPH Dean's Colloquium

Dr. Yaung, Taiwan's Minister of Health, will speak on health care costs at the Center for Chinese Studies on the campus of UC Berkeley.

The Malleable Addict: Heroin Addiction, Therapeutic Treatment and Biopolitics in Southwest China

Sandra Teresa Hyde will speak on addiction and biopolitics in Southwest China.
