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Frazier, The East is Black - Cold War China in the Black Radical Imagination, 2014

June 1, 2017

Robeson Taj Frazier's book was reviewed by Joseph Parrott for the History of African Americans discussion list in June 2017.  

A broadcast first: KUSC to air Shanghai Symphony concert series from China

June 1, 2017

It’s the first Chinese symphony series to be broadcast on radio in the United States.

Ancient Buddhist texts reveal shifting perspectives on women

April 19, 2017

Originally published by USC News. Written by Laura Paisley.

Global Exchange Program 2016: The Lost Tribe

April 6, 2017
A short documentary produced in collaboration between one student from USC and one from the Communication University of China.


Global Exchange Program 2016: From LA to the BEI

April 6, 2017
A short documentary produced in collaboration between one student from USC and one from the Communication University of China. 


Global Exchange Program 2016: Go Gentle Into the Good Night

April 6, 2017

A short documentary produced in collaboration between one student from USC and one from the Communication University of China.

Global Exchange Program 2016: The 9 Floor Commune

April 6, 2017

A short documentary produced in collaboration between one student from USC and one from the Communication University of China.

Video: Aynne Kokas on Hollywood's relationship with China

March 13, 2017

Aynne Kokas, from the University of Virginia, offers an in-depth look at China’s growing role in the global media industries and how it is shaping Hollywood in the twenty-first century.

USC and Taiwan partner on PhD fellowships

February 23, 2017

Originally published by USC News. Written by Suzanne Wu.

Top scientists from Taiwan will train at USC through new program

February 22, 2017

Agreement with Taiwan Ministry of Education establishes the first co-funded program for Taiwanese postdoctoral fellows to study at USC.
