
West Los Angeles Obon Festival

Obon is a Buddhist observance that was originally observed in Mahayana Buddhist countries, including China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Obon season is a time to express our gratitude to loved ones who have passed on before us.

The Red Buddha Hall Road Revisited: Tibet, China and their Struggle for the Silk Road through the Pamir

UCLA presents a lecture by John Mock on the religions of the Silk Road.

Conference: Refiguring Chinese Religious Art: Buddhist Devotion and Funerary Practice

The University of Chicago hosts a two-day conference examining the relationship between art and religious practices in Chinese Buddhism

Christian Chroniclers of Chinese Cruelty: Western Misperceptions of Chinese Criminal Justice

University of Michigan's Center for Chinese Studies presents a talk by Professor Thomas Buoye on Christian missionaries' depictions of Chinese criminal justice .

Contemporary Confucianism and the Global Order

The Carolina Asia Center hosts a discussion with Stephen Angle on the values of Confucianism in today's society

Buddhism and Liao Dynasty Tombs at Xuanhua

UCLA's Asia Institute presents a talk on Buddhism and Liao Dynasty tombs by Professor Qingquan Li of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.

Shia Saints in a Sunni Land: Shrine Legends in Chinese Central Asia

The Columbia Weatherhead East Asian Institute presents a talk by Professor Rian Thum.

Religion in China Today: Challenge and Hope

UC San Diego presents Zhuo Xinping. Zhuo, an expert on the subject of religion in China, will offer his observations on the cognitive dissonance between atheism and theism, the function of religion in society and politics, the ambiguity of religious leaders vis-a-vis Beijing, and other recent developments.

Lewis Lancaster: Study of Buddhism

Emeritus Professor of University of California Berkeley, Lewis Lancaster, will speak on digital resources for the study of Buddhism.

Decoding Sogdian Funerary Art in China: Politics, Religion, and Transculturation in the Sixth Century

Harvard's Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies hosts Fellow Mandy Jui-man Wu as part of the Postdoctoral Fellow Presentation.
