
Tiananmen Square Document 8: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 2, 1989, China: Stalemate Continues, 1989

June 2, 1989

This document, a morning intelligence summary prepared that day by the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research for Secretary of State James A. Baker, discusses these issues and also the leadership crisis facing the Chinese government in the midst of the demonstrations.

Tiananmen Square Document 7: Memorandum of Conversation, George Bush Meeting with Wan Li, 1989

May 23, 1989

This document, a heavily excised summary transcript of their conversation, indicates that the subject of the student demonstrations did come up at their meeting. (May 23, 1989)

Tiananmen Square Document 6: IPAC Daily Intelligence Summary 10-87, China: Hu Yaobang Resigns, 1987

January 17, 1987

The summary notes that Hu’s resignation "is probably the result of the recent student demonstrations." (January 17, 1987)

Tiananmen Square Document 5: IPAC Daily Intelligence Summary 1-87, China: Student Demonstrations, 1987

January 2, 1987

This intelligence summary from U.S. Pacific Command notes that 24 "troublemakers" associated with the illegal protest were apparently detained by police for "education and examination." (January 2, 1987)

Tiananmen Square Document 3: Cable, More Student Demonstrations, 1985

December 23, 1985

The document also reports another incident, that the cables authors call "astonishing," which involved several hundred students from the Bejing Central College of Nationalities who were protesting the nuclear weapons testing program in Xinjiang Province in western China. (December 23, 1985)

Tiananmen Square Document 2: Cable, Government Arrests Student Demonstrators, 1985

November 25, 1985

In the cable, Embassy officials report information gleaned from an unidentified source that Chinese security forces have detained more than 100 students and arrested 23 suspected "ringleaders" involved in the demonstration. (November 25, 1985)

Tiananmen Square Document 1: Cable, A Student Demonstration of Sorts in Tiananmen Square, 1985

November 21, 1985

Although the demonstration was apparently rather tepid, this document points to the possibility that "someone wanted to stir up trouble and embarrass the authorities." (November 21, 1985)

The Rise of Post-Umbrella Movement Political Forces in the New Era

Colombia University Weatherhead East Asian Institute hosts a discussion with activist Joshua Wong on the political forces that came out of the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong.

Waves of Protest, Waves of Repression: China and Hong Kong from 1989 to the Era of Xi Jinping

Pomona College hosts a discussion with Wang Chaohua, Nathan Law, and Jeffrey Wasserstrom on the role of protest in the China-Hong Kong relationship.

Looking at State-Society Relations in China through the Lens of Homeowners’ Association Movements

University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Contemporary China hosts a talk with Chen Lei on the government reaction to homeowner protests in China.
