
South China Sea Dispute - What Happens Next?

National Press Club Panel Discusses the Economic, Security and Legal Considerations, Reviews Satellite Images

Deng Xiaoping's Use of 'Counter-revolutionary Splittists' to Control the Army

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies presents a talk on Chinese politics and foreign policy.

Military challenges in the Asia Pacific: US responses to regional competition

Join AEI as a panel of security experts discuss how the US can keep its competitive edge in the Asia Pacific.

Conflicts of Interest: Art and War in Modern Japan

The Saint Louis Art Museum presents an exhibition following Japan's rise as a military power through the Russo-Japanese war.

The U.S. and China in the Era of Donald Trump

The Stanford Center for East Asian Studies will host the event, The U.S. and China in the Era of Donald Trump.

Texas Asia Conference 2015: Beyond the Spectacular and the Mundane

The University of Texas at Austin Center for East Asian Studies will host the Texas Asia Conference 2015: Beyond the Spectacular and the Mundane. In what is becoming a biennial tradition, the conference, which is a space to present graduate research work centered on Asia as a regional focus, will be held on 2nd and 3rd of October (Friday and Saturday) 2015.

The Jamestown Foundation's Third Annual China Defense and Security Conference

The Jamestown Foundation presents its Third Annual China Defense and Security Conference, featuring Kenneth W. Allen, Admiral Timothy Keating (USN, Ret.), Willy Lam, and other leading experts on Chinese security issues.

China: Threat or Opportunity? From hacking scandals and climate change to economic growth and currency issues.

USC Annenberg, in partnership with the Center on Communication Leadership and Policy (CCLP) and the Institute for Diversity and Empowerment at Annenberg (IDEA), presents a panel moderated by Robert Scheer in Comm 310: Media and Society.

Michael McDevitt, "Muilding a Modern Navy: China and Maritime Power"

This event is part of the "Critical Issues Confronting China" seminar hosted by the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies.
