
Hiroshige’s City: From Edo to Tokyo

How does a city develop a distinct visual identity? This question became a major theme in Japanese art during the Edo period (1615–1868).

Japan and the West: From First Encounters to Contemporary Global Issues

Japan and the West will focus on points of intersection between Japan, Europe, and America from their first encounters to the present. The seminar will be of particular interest to teachers of World History, Art, and Contemporary Global Issues, but the application is open to all K12 teachers who want to expand their horizons and are willing to adapt the content to their classrooms.

JapanAmerica: Points of Contact, 1876–1970

Cornell University's Johnson Museum of Art presents an exhibition highlighting Japan-America exhibition exchange.

Intimate Rivals: Japanese Politics and a Rising China

Indiana University's School of Global and International Studies hosts a talk with Sheila A. Smith on her recent book discussing the impact of China's rise on Japan.

Conflicts of Interest: Art and War in Modern Japan

The Saint Louis Art Museum presents an exhibition following Japan's rise as a military power through the Russo-Japanese war.

Sites of Extraction: Perspectives from a Japanese Coal Mine in Northeast China

Colombia University Weatherhead East Asian Institute presents a lecture by Victor Seow in Japanese coal mining in Northeast China.

A Third Gender: Beautiful Youths in Japanese Prints

Royal Ontario Museum presents the exhibition, A Third Gender, exploring the complex system of sexual desire and social expectation from 1603 to 1868 in Edo Japan.

Gifts of Japanese and Korean Art from the Mary Griggs Burke Collection

The Minneapolis Museum of Art presents the finest private collection of Japanese and Korean art of its kind outside Japan.

China and Japan: Nara to Now

Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University hosts a talk with Ezra Vogel on the history of Sino-Japanese relations.

East Asian Garden Lecture Series - Popcorn on the Ginza: Literature, Art, & Photography from Tokyo's City within a City

Author and social commentator Robert Campbell discusses the position occupied in Japanese literature by Ginza, an area in Tokyo that has long stood as an emblem of luxury.
