
The Social Process of Chinese International Migration to the US and Europe

Center for East Asian Studies University of Pennsylvania presents a discussion with Yao Lu.

Faces of Immigration: Undocumented Asians in America

Asia Society of Northern California presents a discussion with young activists, grassroots leaders, and legal experts to examine this complex and timely subject.

Historian Matt Hormann to Discuss Hidden Early History of Pasadena's Chinatown

South Pasadena Public Library co-hosts a talk by Matt Hormann on Pasadena's Chinatown and the events of 1885.

East Meets West in Chamber Opera Set in Contemporary Houston

New Arrivals is one of eight chamber operas the Houston Grand Opera has commissioned for East + West, a series celebrating Houston as a meeting place for Eastern and Western cultures.

Rachel Laudan, Cuisine and Empire in Asia and the Pacific

Pomona College hosts a talk examining the interplay between imperial power and aspiring nationhood in Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, and China.

FOLD: Golden Venture Paper Sculptures

The Museum of Chinese in America presents this exhibition about immigration issues, presenting the story of the passengers of the Golden Venture, a ship carrying 286 undocumented Chinese immigrants that ran aground in New York City in 1993. (Exhibition dates: October 05 - March 25, 2018)

East Meets West in Chamber Opera Set in Contemporary Houston

New Arrivals is one of eight chamber operas the Houston Grand Opera has commissioned for East + West, a series celebrating Houston as a meeting place for Eastern and Western cultures.

Artist Talk: Zhi Lin and The Other Side

USC Pacific Asia Museum presents the discussion with artist Zhi Lin.

The Village

The Village (in Chinese Mandarin with English subtitles), written by Stan Lai and Wei-zhong Wong, and produced and performed by the Performance Workshop Taiwan, is a tragicomedy recounting the story of the post-civil war migrations between China the Mainland and Taiwan.

Chen Guangcheng: Freedom of Expression

Chen Guangcheng, the Chinese activist lawyer discusses the importance of freedom of expression with Jerome A. Cohen.
