Hong Kong and Macau

Asian Pop Spectacle & New Political Space: HOCC (何韻詩) Live - A Presentation and Conversation

Denise Ho (HOCC), Canto-pop diva, actress, LGBT activists, and icon of political defiance will show past video footage and a DVD of her concert "Dear Friend."

Local Practice - National Memories: A Lecture by Evans Chan (film director)

Indiana University's East Asian Studies Center presents a talk by director Evans Chan on the trajectory of representation of Tiananmen 1989 on Chinese cinema.


Part of the series Sixteenth Annual Made in Hong Kong Film Festival

Hearing: Macau and Hong Kong

The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission presents a hearing.

Umbrellas and Sunflowers: Student Movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan

UC Berkeley presents Ming Sing, Yun Chung Chen, and Hsin-Hsing Chen's talk on student movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Films of Fury Screening: 5 Fingers of Death (天下第一拳) and the Kung Fu Craze

David Desser will deliver a lecture about "5 Fingers of Death" following the screening.

The Search for Identity Through Female Eyes

The Chao Center for Asian Studies will host a lecture to be given by Shu-ching Shih entitled, "The Search for Identity Through Female Eyes."

Cine-East: "Boundary"

The Duke University Asia/Pacific Studies Institute will host a screening of "Boundary."

Cultural Heritage and Identity:Comparing Mainland China and Hongkong

The Center for East Asian Studies presents a lecture by Jung-a Chang on the recent movement to protect cultural heritage and traditional culture in China.

[WEBCAST] Romance and Amour

Hong Kong String Orchestra Jockey Club Power of Music Program
 Share the Joy Community Concert Series
