Happy Lunar New Year from the USC US-China Institute!
Sixth USC-Tsinghua Symposium on Green Technology and Energy Informatics
A trilateral event between USC-THU-NTHU on green technology.
Discussion: Plastic China
Documentaries from the Front Lines of China's Environmental Crisis- Part of the film series "Waking the Green Tiger: Documentaries from the Front Lines of China's Environmental Crisis"
Direct from the Rio +20 Summit on Sustainable Development: Impressions of a Chinese Scholar
The Elliot School of International Affairs and the Partnerships for International Strategies in Asia presents a talk with Dr. Yu Hongyuan on his impressions from the Rio +20 Summit on Sustainable Development.
Institute of Transportation Studies Friday Seminar: Transportation, Environment, and Energy Systems — Are We Doing the Right Thing, and Doing it Right?
H. Olver Gao, Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University speaks about transportation, environment, and energy systems.
China’s Rise: Energy Implications, Environmental Challenges
The Asia Society Organization presents a luncheon with Amy Myers Jaffe on what China's energy policies will mean for global energy markets.
China Energy 2020
To better understand the future trajectory of China's energy needs, the National Committee on United States-China Relations is hosting a public event, China Energy 2020, on September 11, 2014.
The Thirsty King: Digging into the Water Footprint of China’s Coal
Wilson Center hosts a discussion panel talking about China's coal resources.
Dams and Sustainability in China
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars will host three experts to discuss dams and how they're used throughout China.
The Triangle of Sino-American Energy Diplomacy: A Symposium
Asia Society presents a seminar in which we will seek to understand how China's “resource diplomacy”—its overseas pursuit of energy and resources—affects the international system and U.S.—China relations.
Featured Articles
We note the passing of many prominent individuals who played some role in U.S.-China affairs, whether in politics, economics or in helping people in one place understand the other.
Ying Zhu looks at new developments for Chinese and global streaming services.
David Zweig examines China's talent recruitment efforts, particularly towards those scientists and engineers who left China for further study. U.S. universities, labs and companies have long brought in talent from China. Are such people still welcome?