Beijing Olympics 2008

Steven Spielberg to Hu Jintao on Darfur, April 2007

April 2, 2007

Los Angeles, CA (May 11, 2007) - Steven Spielberg has released the text of a private letter he had sent to the President of China, Hu Jintao, condemning the genocide in Darfur and asking the Chinese government to use its influence in the region to bring an end to the suffering there. Additionally, he is asking for a meeting in Beijing with the Chinese President within the next 30 days.

Foreign Correspondents Club of China, “Detentions Of Foreign Journalists Widespread Before Olympics,” August 8, 2006

August 8, 2006

The FCCC surveys its members to assess the conditions under which reporters labor.

Congressional Research Service, "U.S.-China Counterterrorism Cooperation: Issues for U.S. Policy," 2006

June 27, 2006

Shirley A. Kan prepared this Congressional Research Service (CRS) report. As its name suggests, CRS serves the U.S. Congress. Its reports are prepared for members and committees of Congress. They are not distributed directly to the public. CRS policy is to produce reports that are timely, objective, and non-partisan.

H.Con.Res. 73 – China/Olympics, 2001

April 4, 2001

Expressing the Sense of Congress that the 2008 Olympic Games should not be held in Beijing unless the Government of the People’s Republic of China releases all political prisoners, ratifies the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and observes internationally recognized human rights.

ICS & Art History Event: Zhang Hongtu, "Artist's Talk: Zhang Hongtu"

The Ohio State University presents a talk with artist Zhang Hongtu.

Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (2012)

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University presents a screening of the film Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (2012), followed by a talk with Alison Klayman.

China's Latest Twists and Turns

Jeffrey Wasserstrom turns a cultural historian's eye on recent developments in an informal presentation meant to stimulate debate and discussion.
