
On the Silk Road and the High Seas: Chinese Ceramics, Culture and Commerce

On the Silk Road and the High Seas: Chinese Ceramics, Culture and Commerce examines why Chinese ceramics were such prized commodities, both at home and abroad.

Spotlight: Celebrating Asian Art

This four-part series focuses on the Metropolitan Museum's Department of Asian Art and offers an intimate look at the treasures in the collection through the eyes of our curatorial staff.

The Original I Ching: An Authentic Translation of the Book of Changes

The China Institute in America presents a lecture with Margaret J. Pearson.

The Art of the Chinese Album

An exhibition showcasing the Chinese album

Ducks, Eggs and Fish

Throughout his career, contemporary Chinese-American artist Martin Fan Cheng has persisted in his quest to “to paint the real world as we see it.”

Intervention in the Other Sphere—Yilin Lin’s Performance Art

Stanford University's Center for East Asian Studies Colloquium Series presents a talk by performance artist Yilin Lin.

Breaking Ground: Chinese American Architects in Los Angeles (1945-1980)

The Chinese American Museum showcases Chinese America architects that influenced Los Angeles.

23rd Annual Committee of 100 Conference in San Francisco

The Committee of 100 is a leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts.Members of the Committee of 100 are leading U.S. citizens of Chinese descent who leverage their collective influence, resources and experiences to address important issues affecting U.S.-China relations as well as significant concerns of the Chinese American community.

Form is Emptiness: Abstract Paintings by Michael Katz

Tibet House US has announced their next art exhibit, Form Is Emptiness, which will feature the vibrant works of renowned artist Michael Katz

Perspectives 180 - Unifinished Country: New Video from China

The Contemporary Arts Museum Houston presents a cross-section of work by a new generation of artists from China working in video and video installation.
