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Why Ma Won the Elections and What's Next for Taiwan and China

relation with China is essential for their country's future economic ... relations but socio-economic issues. Lynch evidences this claim by stating ... but about socio-economic issues, including rapid economic growth amid ...

David Lynch- Discussant for Economics: A Bumpy Road to a New Normal?

Program. His new book is China’s Futures: PRC Elites Debate Economics, Politics, and Foreign Policy. His previous books are Rising China and Asian ... of Thailand, China, and Taiwan and After the Propaganda State: Media, Politics, ...

Zhang, Zhan

Journal Paper Co-editor of the special journal issue on China Media Studies ... of China, authored by Prof. YE Fengying, Beijing, March 2005. Conference Paper ... November 3, 2014 Zhan ZHANG, China Media Observatory, Università ...

What’s the Difference?—Comparing U.S. and Chinese Trade Data, March 27, 2009

Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Tags:  trade Custom ... and the People’s Republic of China. According to the United States, the 2008 bilateral trade deficit with China was $266.3 billion. According to China, its ...

USC US-China Institute, "China in US Presidential Debates"

going to win the economic struggle or is China going to win it? Who ... excerpts focusing on China and America's policies toward China. Click ... of these excerpts. China in U.S. Presidential Debates   Kennedy vs. Nixon, 1960 Carter ...

PRC State Council, China's Foreign Aid, April 21, 2011

of funds and materials, China began to provide economic aid and technical ... China's economic cooperation with other developing countries extended from economic aid to multi-form and mutually-beneficial cooperation. China ...

Talking Points: November 18- Dec 2, 2009

visit, but China’s economic reforms were already changing lives. On his way ... students in China until 2017. Driven by China’s economic rise, and partly ... Conference on China's Economic Development and U.S.-China Economic ...

Council on Foreign Relations, "CFR Backgrounders: The Chinese Communist Party," August 27, 2015

policy,  releasing a white paper  outlining China's initiatives ... of China's rapid economic growth have triggered increasing social unrest ... of society brought on by China's dizzying economic rise. Today's ...

Special US Treasury Envoy Alan Holmer, “Sustaining Economic Growth,” May 21, 2008

and the Strategic Economic Dialogue Alan Holmer on the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue: Sustaining Economic Growth at Wuhan University Wuhan, China- Thank ... in tradition but at the heart of an economically rising central China ...

Edward Friedman, University of Wisconsin-Madison

testified at the US – China Economic and Security Review Commission “Hearing on the U.S.-China Relationship: Economics and Security in Perspective” Feb 1-2, 2007. ... of the papers presented there. Edward Friedman is Hawkins Chair Professor ...
