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Foreign Correspondents Club of China, Recent incidents of interference in reporting, September 15, 2015

The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China’s Media Freedom Committee has ... correspondents in China to inform us of any similar experiences they have had. ...   July 2015 Beijing British news outlet I was detained by security ...

China's Foreign Box Office

them straight to digital (like  Mulan in North America). In China ... in China fell 68%. Foreign film revenues, typically for 40% of the total box office in China, fell even more. Many film releases were postponed. Total ...

High Level Delegation From China Visits USC to Discuss Public Diplomacy

delegation from the People's Republic of China to discuss international ... Guoqing Wang, Vice Minister of China's State Council of Information ... Editor of China's State Administration of Radio, Film and TV Lihua ...

Former U.S. Ambassador to China Winston Lord on the Current State of Sino-American Relations

November 22, 2010 Winston Lord has been at the center of U.S.-China ... to China the following year. Lord attended Nixon’s February 1972 meeting ... to China under Presidents Reagan and Bush from 1985-89, and as Assistant ...

Video: Alison Friedman Discusses China’s Performing Arts in the 21st Century

Olympic Games, Alison Friedman looked at how China is searching for a new ... is affecting China's contemporary performing arts scene, for better or worse ... TAO Dance Theater, Mark Morris Dance Group, the U.S Embassy in China ...

Loureiro, "Intelligence success: The evolution of Navy and Marine intelligence operations in China, 1931-1941," 1995

generally been regarded as a failure; from political developments in China ... (ONI) was able to successfully identify China as a potential ally ... in a quagmire on the mainland. The U.S. Navy's assessment of pre-war China ...

Monroy, "Adopting the China route," 2004

China created and implemented the country's first adoption law allowing foreigners to adopt Chinese orphans. Since then, China has emerged ... adoptions by American parents was from China. Through interviews with adoption ...

Phillip Saunders Speaks at the China Card Conference

and co-editor with Andrew Scobell of PLA Influence on China’s National Security Policymaking (2015).  He has published numerous articles and book chapters on China and Asian security issues in journals such as International Security, China ...

Video: John Pomfret on the History Between the United States and China

to the US warships facing off against China's growing navy in the South China Sea, from the Yankee missionaries who brought Christianity and education to China, to the Chinese who built the American West, the United ...

New Globalization and Cultural Industry in China

million in China alone. In 2007, Peter Chan’s “The Warlords” has earned ... Caution. According to the 2007 China Cultural Industries Development Report, ... Traditionally, the film industry in China had been given financial support ...
