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PRC Ministry of Commerce 中国商务部,关于中美经贸关系的研究报告,2017年5月25日

Section:  Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Tags:  trade Custom ...

Zhang Dejiang, National People’s Congress Standing Committee Work Report, March 16, 2016

China Topic:  Economics Politics Security Tags:  CCP military trade Custom ... Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) headed by General Secretary Xi ... conventions that China had concluded, and made decisions on or approved ...

Congressional Research Service, “Rare Earth Elements in National Defense: Background, Oversight Issues, and Options for Congress,” Sept. 5, 2012

Economic and Security Review Commission, “China’s Rare Earths Industry ... Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Environment Tags:  trade ... Since then, production has shifted almost entirely to China, in part due ...

Congressional Research Service, “Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales since 1990,” June 13, 2014

as warranted, discusses U.S. security assistance to Taiwan, or Republic of China ... the People’s Republic of China (PRC) instead of the ROC. Two other relevant parts of the “one China” policy are the August 17, 1982, U.S.-PRC Joint Communique ...

Advancing Prosperity and Security in the Asia-Pacific Region, 2004

for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. APEC is not an international organization ... China, Japan and Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Brunei, Hong Kong, China and Chinese Taipei, Australia ...

Congressional Research Service, “The Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations and Issues for Congress,” April 15, 2013

of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ministerial in November 2011, ... If concluded, it may serve to shape the economic architecture of the Asia-Pacific ... Service. Section:  Documents Documents- US-Asia Topic:  Politics Economics ...

U.S. Deputy Asst. Sec. Christensen, “A Strong and Moderate Taiwan,” September 11, 2007

that combine strength – both military and economic – with moderation. When we see ... be an economic backwater if it were not thoroughly linked into the dense web ... ahead. Section:  Documents- US-Taiwan Topic:  Economics Politics Security ...
