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U.S. Sec. of State Condoleeza Rice, Beijing Press Conference, Feb. 26, 2008

agenda with China. Obviously, we did have an extensive discussion ... really on his part. How much do you think you can count on China ... But I think that China shares our desire to get this moving forward at a more ...

U.S. Department of State, 2008 Human Rights in Taiwan, Feb. 25, 2009

Department report on human rights in China and other countries, U.S. Secretary ... of China (PRC) journalists from 30 days to three months. The authorities also ... for Taiwan cable television channels in China and Chinese broadcasters ...

Message From the United States President to the Emperor of Japan, 1941

for a termination of the present conflict between Japan and China. We have hoped ... into Northern French Indo-China for the protection of Japanese troops which were operating against China further north. And this Spring and Summer the Vichy ...

Video: Yawei Liu on Chinese Views of Trump

and has been the director of its China Program since 2005. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations since 2014, the associate director of the China ... organized an annual forum on U.S.-China relations. Yawei earned his B.A ...

2006 US State Department Report on Human Rights in Taiwan, March 6, 2007

the government donated its 70 percent share of China Television System (CTS) ... requires that any publications imported from mainland China be sent ... of mainland China-origin material was accessible through the Internet as well ...

Gerald Ford, Letter to Family after Visiting Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, September 3, 1953

President of Free China, and Madame Chang were expecting us for tea. ... of the Chinese Nationalist forces since they left the mainland of China several ...

In memoriam: Gin Wong, USC trustee and prominent architect, 94

Sterling service record Born in Guangzhou, China, Wong was educated ... in Incheon, South Korea; a major corporate facility in Xiamen, China ...

In memoriam: Social worker Frances Wu, 96

in 1921 in Anhui, China, Wu was a 1948 graduate of Ginling College, where ...
