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U.S.-Taiwan Relations, 2003

is also, as our colleagues in private industry know well, a key economic ... Act, the Three U.S.-China joint communiques, and the Six Assurances. ... relations with China at Taiwan's expense. We seek the reduction ...

Congressional Research Service, “The Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations and Issues for Congress,” April 15, 2013

of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ministerial in November 2011, ... If concluded, it may serve to shape the economic architecture of the Asia-Pacific ... Service. Section:  Documents Documents- US-Asia Topic:  Politics Economics ...

Our Appeal Concerning the Bible, the Church and the Nation by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan 1975

world economic crisis. In these circumstances, the church must ... and to promote cultural and economic contracts. Therefore it ought not to prevent ... Economics Human rights Politics Tags:  Religion freedom of speech Taiwan ...

U.S. Deputy Asst. Sec. Christensen, “A Strong and Moderate Taiwan,” September 11, 2007

that combine strength – both military and economic – with moderation. When we see ... be an economic backwater if it were not thoroughly linked into the dense web ... ahead. Section:  Documents- US-Taiwan Topic:  Economics Politics Security ...

Congressional Research Service, “Foreign Ownership of U.S. Financial Assets: Implications of a Withdrawal,” April 8, 2013

mix of economic policies the United States has chosen. The impact of any ... experiencing a strong rate of economic growth, the impact of a foreign withdrawal ... the withdrawal could have a stronger effect on economic activity.   The particular ...

Japan-U.S. Joint Declaration on Security, 1996

the dynamic economic growth in this region. The two leaders agreed ... of the region that China play a positive and constructive role, and, ... with China. Russia's ongoing process of reform contributes to regional ...

Mao Tse-tung (Mao Ze-dong) and the Sino-Soviet Dispute

December 1, 1975 Evidence of a serious breakdown in China ... warfare. China's current openness to the United States, coming ... between China and the Soviet Union beginning in the late 1950s. Click here ...

Tiananmen Square Document 26: Cable, SITREP No. 49, June 12, 0500 Local, 1989

harmful consequences for U.S.-China relations. To access the document, ... Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Human rights Politics Tags:  protest Custom Thumbnail:  ...

John Hay, "Update: U.S. Ambassadors," July 3, 1900

In this critical posture of affairs in China it is deemed appropriate to define ... protection everywhere in China to American life and property; thirdly, ... permanent safety and peace to China, preserve Chinese territorial ...

John Hay, "Letter of Instruction," March 20, 1900

by the United States concerning foreign trade in China, the terms of which ... I am, etc., JOHN HAY. Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Documents- Pre-1949 China Topic:  Politics Tags:  Qing US State Department Custom ...
