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The Effects on US-China Relations of the Accidental Bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, 1999

not state the obvious: it is in China's economic interest to accede ... China Sea. We and China should continue to cooperate on economic issues ... for the opportunity to address the subject of U.S. China relations. When ...

U.S. Ambassador Clark T. Randt, Jr. on U.S.-China relations, USC Herbert G. Klein Lecture, April 21, 2008

country on the path to economic reform, and the United States and China ... California's United States-China Institute to discuss what, not surprisingly, ... and the People's Republic of China. I'm particularly delighted and honored ...

Hillary Clinton, "Remembering the Nixon Trip and U.S.-China Relations Today," March 7, 2012

’s extraordinary economic progress; we have championed China’s inclusion ... in China and elsewhere can harness its economic and social benefits? ... to China. And I want to thank everyone at the U.S. Institute of Peace, ...

Khan, Muslim, Trader, Nomad, Spy: China's Cold War and the People of the Tibetan Borderlands, 2015

China's Cold War and the People of the Tibetan Borderlands.  The New Cold ... "sub-nationalism," in other words, that the People's Republic of China and India ... into account by dominating  political, economic, and military powers (as well ...

Hu Jintao, Speech at Chinese Communist Party 90th Anniversary Gathering, July 1, 2011

groups in China, we are holding this grand meeting here to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and also to review the great course of China's development and progress and look ...

John Negroponte, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State, “Remarks to American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing,” January 8, 2009

and China have accounted for more than 40 percent of the global economic ... The United States-China Strategic Economic Dialogue led by Treasury Secretary ... economic cooperation. I want to express our appreciation for China’s positive ...

President Clinton's Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters Following Discussions With President Jiang Zemin of China in Seattle, 1993

billion people of China who are enjoying this unprecedented economic growth ... completed a meeting with President Jiang of China which I believe was very productive. It was an important meeting for the people of China and the people ...

2018 Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China

March 11, 2018 Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1975   |  Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1978  |  Constitution of the People’s Republic of China  1982  (amended through 2004) |  1988 Amendments ...

Daniel Russel, “Remarks at USCI’s China’s Growing Pains Conference,” April 22, 2016

understand China’s need for internal economic reforms and a transition ... April 22, 2016 Remarks at "China's Growing Pains" ... and Pacific Affairs University of Southern California U.S.-China Institute Los ...

Mike Pence, US-China Affairs – the Frederic V. Malek Memorial Lecture, Oct. 24, 2019

establishment was not only silent in the face of China’s economic aggression ... the United States now recognizes China as a strategic and economic rival.  ... in China’s economic resurgence. The American people want better for the people ...
