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Congressional Research Service, China/Taiwan: Evolution of the “One China” Policy—Key Statements from Washington, Beijing, and Taipei, June 24, 2011

statements in four decades, the U.S. “one China” policy concerning Taiwan ... from questions about what the “one China” policy entails, issues have ... China” policy since the United States began in 1971 to reach presidential ...

Xi Jinping, Report at 2017 19th Party Congress, October 18, 2017

Outside China, we have been confronted with sluggish global economic ... as China has entered a new normal in economic development. We have upheld ... China into a leading position in terms of economic and technological ...

Tiananmen Square Document 6: IPAC Daily Intelligence Summary 10-87, China: Hu Yaobang Resigns, 1987

An advocate of both economic and political reforms, the summary notes that Hu’s ... Section:  Documents Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Human rights ...

H.Con.Res.53: Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding a private visit by President Lee Teng-hui of the Republic of China on Taiwan to the United States, 1995

regarding a private visit by President Lee Teng-hui of the Republic of China ... Whereas United States diplomatic and economic security interests in East ... the People's Republic of China while maintaining solidarity with the democratic ...

Thomas Christensen and James Swan, "China in Africa: Implications for U.S. Policy," June 4, 2008

for economic development there, which is a goal we share with China and many ... States Government. China’s economic and commercial engagement in Africa has ... that will be repaid in cobalt and copper from Congolese mines. China’s economic ...

Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Armenia, September 28, 2004

of China-Armenia friendly cooperative ties. II The two sides hold that economic ... upgrade the scale and level of China-Armenia economic and trade cooperation. ... At the invitation of President Hu Jintao of the People's Republic of China ...

U.S. Department of Justice, China Initiative, 2018-2019

economic security than China. The Chinese government is determined to acquire ... for National Security John Demers. He said, “China wants the fruits of America’s brainpower to harvest the seeds of its planned economic dominance. Preventing ...

China-Pakistan Joint Declaration, November 11, 2003

of China-Pakistan Joint Committee on Economic, Trade, Scientific and Technological ... BETWEEN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THEISLAMIC REPUBLIC ... of China and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (hereinafter referred ...

Remarks by President Obama and Premier Wen Jiabao of China before Bilateral Meeting September 23, 2010

Obama, "U.S./China Strategic and Economic Dialogue," July 2009 ... work to do.  On the economic front, although the world economy is now ... the type of balance and sustained economic growth that is so important ...

Amb. Thomas C. Hubbard Addresses The Asia Foundation on the Occasion of its 50th Anniversary Celebrations, 2003

democracy, education, human rights, and constructive economic growth. The many ... and economic bond, but also a true friendship between the peoples of our two ... for the importation of thousands of tons of newsprint and offset paper. This paper ...
