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US and PRC Governments, Statements on China’s East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone, November – December, 2013

concerned about China's announcement that they've established an "East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone." This unilateral action constitutes an attempt to change the status quo in the East China ...

PRC State Council, The Socialist System of Laws with Chinese Characteristics, October 27, 2011

in the economic, political, cultural and social life of China, the Fifth Session ... contributed to China's economic, political, cultural and social development ... market economic activities gradually took form and quickly developed. China ...

New Research on the Nanjing Incident

and China cannot agree, and continues to bedevil the bilateral relationship. ... in Japan and China. There are large organisations that seem to be involved ... for the better. This paper will attempt to clarify the current state of research ...

Treaty of Nanjing (Nanking), 1842

of China, was concluded and signed, in the English and Chinese Languages, ... the Emperor of China, being desirous of putting an end to the misunderstandings ... Company, etc., etc.; And His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of China, the High ...

Robert O’Brien, The Chinese Communist Party’s Ideology and Global Ambitions, June 24, 2020

of time before China would become more liberal, first economically and, then, politically. The more we opened our markets to China, the thinking ... [16]  White House, “Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry ...

Mao Zedong, Statement Supporting the American Negroes In Their Just Struggle Against Racial Discrimination by U.S. Imperialism, August 8, 1963.

to them. Their average wages are barely a third or a half those of the white ... table, or travel in the same section of a bus or train as the white people. ... and other enlightened persons of all colours in the world, whether white ...

Analysis of Secretary Kissinger's Meeting with Chairman Mao, October 21, 1975

at the meeting were George H.W. Bush. chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in China ... Rodman, White House staff member; and Anne Boddicker, secretary. Chairman ... not be counted upon to resist pressures and therefore China was going to have to go ...

PRC State Council, “Diaoyu Dao 钓鱼岛, an Inherent Territory of China,” September 25, 2012

for a listing of PRC-issued white papers on various topics. Click here to view ... September 25, 2012 Diaoyu Dao, an Inherent Territory of China ... of China Contents Foreword I. Diaoyu Dao is China's Inherent Territory ...

Remarks By Vice President Cheney At Fudan University Followed By Student Body Q&A, 2004

China's rapid and sustained economic growth has lifted the living standards ... modern economy. China's economic success has also come about through ... at home. And as China gains in economic strength, it also takes on new ...

Tom Donilon, " The United States and the Asia-Pacific in 2013," March 11, 2013

to the economic, strategic and political order emerging in the Asia-Pacific. Last ... In Beijing, China’s leadership transition will be completed this week. President ... to restore the foundation of the United States’ global leadership—our economic ...
