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Democratic Progressive Party Year 2000 Policy Manifesto Abstract November 24, 1999

Taiwan's economic competitiveness to meet the challenges of globalization, ... Such a trend includes the intertwining global economic networks that have crossed ... as transnational issues and are no longer viewed in opposition to issues of economic ...

Mark Toner, Remarks on Ma Ying-jeou’s Visit to Taiping Island, January 27, 2016

China Sea. We urge Taiwan and all claimants to lower tensions ... QUESTION: Follow-up. QUESTION: But even during the China build the rock, ... very clear that we disagree with China’s actions in terms of manmade ...

Zbigniew Brzezinski memo to Pres. Jimmy Carter, October 13, 1978

BETWEEN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THE UNITED STATES JANUARY 15, 1979 1. The United States of America and the People’s Republic of China ... in the Shanghai Communique: The Government of the People’s Republic of China ...

U.S. Department of State, 2008 Human Rights in Taiwan, Feb. 25, 2009

Department report on human rights in China and other countries, U.S. Secretary ... of China (PRC) journalists from 30 days to three months. The authorities also ... for Taiwan cable television channels in China and Chinese broadcasters ...

2006 US State Department Report on Human Rights in Taiwan, March 6, 2007

the government donated its 70 percent share of China Television System (CTS) ... requires that any publications imported from mainland China be sent ... of mainland China-origin material was accessible through the Internet as well ...

To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1998 for military activities

To the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States ...

Bush Announces Sale of F-16 Aircraft to Taiwan, 1992

with the People's Republic of China." The highly sophisticated F-16 aircraft flew ... with the People's Republic of China. We keep our word. Our One-China policy, our recognition of the PRC as the sole legitimate government of China. I've ...

U.S. Department of State, 2009 Human Rights in Taiwan, March 11, 2010

of China (PRC) news outlets have journalists in Taiwan, and PRC officials ... primarily individuals from China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand, ... UN Human Rights Covenants, including the UN Covenant on Economic ...

John Holdridge, Six Assurances, August 17, 1982

Congress, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Policy Toward China ... of Normalization of U.S.-China Relations.     Section:  Documents- US-Taiwan Topic:  ...

Formosa Resolution, January 29, 1955

the jurisdiction of the Republic of China are now^ under armed attack, and threats ... of America and the Republic of China, which recognizes that an armed attack ...
