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Congressional Research Service, The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CIFUS), June 12, 2013

their holdings, these actions could affect the U.S. economy in a number of ways due ... to reduce or withdraw entirely their holdings of U.S. financial assets: A rapid liquidation of U.S. Treasury securities. A shift in the makeup ...

Republic of China (Taiwan), National Defense Report, 2002

Section:  Documents- US-Taiwan Topic:  Security Tags:  defense military Custom ...

John Holdridge, Six Assurances, August 17, 1982

Source: Testimony by Assistant Secretary of State John Holdridge, U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Policy Toward China ... Relations Act; and] 6  [The August 17 Joint Communiqué between the U.S ...

Congressional Research Service, "U.S-China Military Contacts: Issues for Congress," 2005

including U.S. arms sales to China. Improvements and deteriorations in overall ... as the highest-ranking U.S. military officer to do so since November 2000. He did ... a prioritized list of U.S. security interests. Section 902 of the Foreign ...

Congressional Research Service, “Human Rights in China: Trends and Policy Implications,” October 31, 2008

a principal area of U.S. concern regarding the People’s Republic of China (PRC), along with security and bilateral trade. Some U.S. leaders argue that U.S ... progress in the PRC. Others contend that U.S. engagement has failed not only ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: Security Issues- Strategic Perceptions," August 3, 2001

issues. It is an important hearing as it will assist us to better understand ... to the U.S. state-of-the-art weapons systems in the Gulf War and particularly ... to share with us their thoughts about Chinese views of future warfare, ...

Remarks By President Obama and President Triet Of Vietnam at Opening Of U.S.-ASEAN Leaders Meeting, September 24, 2010

Asia summit, which will help us meet regional and global challenges ... for inviting us to the second ASEAN-U.S. leaders meeting in New York.  And thank you so much for giving us the wonderful hospitality. Over the years, ...

Premier Zhu's Interview with Peter Kann, 1999

recent thoughts about my upcoming visit to the U.S. I think this might ... the US decided to table a draft human rights resolution condemning China ... smoothly, but recently, we assume, due to pressure from the U.S. Congress, ...

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Washington, 2003

I wish to thank the National Committee on US-China relations, the US ... on Foreign Relations, the US Chamber of Commerce and the US-China Policy ... of emotions surged within me.     For the last century, China-US relations ...

Samuel Huntington to National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, May 11, 1978

abstract (e.g., on the inevitability of war) and since US– PRC differences ... between US and PRC policy, there is little or nothing to be gained from attempting to explain and justify US policy. 5. “Detente” is, of course, a bad ...
