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Congressional Research Service, "China's Currency: An Analysis of the Economic Issues", December 30, 2010

the appreciation of its currency, the renminbi (RMB), against the U.S. dollar ... to the United States significantly cheaper, and U.S. exports to China much more ... annual U.S. trade deficits with China and has lead to the widespread loss ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China and the Capital Markets," August 11, 2005

the Commission’s attention on the important topic before us. I also thank today’s ... in United States markets. These issues have significant implications for U.S ... of these institutions. I am concerned that U.S. investors may not have sufficient ...

PRC State Council White Paper, "China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change," October 2008

that the per-capita GDP (gross domestic product) of China in 2007 was US$2,461, ranking ... with more than one department involved, the action mechanism with extensive ... of energy. Government departments in charge of energy conservation ...

Congressional Research Service, "U.S.-China Military Contacts: Issues for Congress," August 6, 2009

Union included U.S. arms sales to China. Improvements and deteriorations ... as the highest ranking U.S. military officer to do so since November 2000. Rumsfeld ... a prioritized list of U.S. security interests. Oversight legislation includes ...

Congressional Research Service, "How Large is China’s Economy? Does it Matter?" February 13, 2008

economy in U.S. dollars. However, in December 2007, the World Bank issued ... years before China’s economy reaches U.S. levels. The new PPP data could also have an impact on U.S. and international perceptions over other ...

Congressional Research Service, "China's Currency: A Summary of the Economic Issues", October 1, 2010

major currencies, especially the U.S. dollar. This policy appears ... currency policy is a major cause of the large U.S. trade imbalance with China and the loss of numerous U.S. jobs. Many Members of Congress have urged the Obama ...

Cox Report, 1999

January 3, 1999 The Final Report of the Select Committee on U.S ... Contents Chapter 1: PRC Acquisition of U.S. Technology Chapter 2: PRC Theft of U.S. Thermonuclear Warhead Designs Chapter 3: High-Performance Computers ...

The Constitution of the Republic of China 1946

The Judicial Yuan shall have a number of Grand Justices to be responsible for the matters specified in Article 78 of this Constitution. The Grand Justices ... international justice, and insure world peace. Section 3 The National Economy ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China and the Future of Globalization," May 19-20, 2005

including a U.S. trade deficit of $162 billion. Yet China remains ... and benefits of this relationship are vital to long-term U.S. economic health ... will examine how the U.S. economy is faring in a global environment. Surely ...

Congressional Research Service, "Promoting Global Internet Freedom: Policy and Technology," Oct. 23, 2012

determined by the State Department). Some believe, however, that technology can ...
