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Tiananmen Square Document 5: IPAC Daily Intelligence Summary 1-87, China: Student Demonstrations, 1987

January 2, 1987 Demonstrations continued into January 1987 when 3,000 students defied a government ban and staged a protest in the vicinity of Tiananmen Square in Beijing. This intelligence summary from U.S ...

Foreign Correspondents Club of China, Visa 2012 Survey Findings, December 1, 2012

was one of a group of reporters who chased a US embassy official ...

Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong, Dec. 19, 1984

and police services in the government departments of Hong Kong may remain ... as advisers or hold certain public posts in government departments of the Hong ...

Pillsbury, China's Anti-Satellite and Space Warfare Programs, Policies, and Doctrines, 2007

no interest such weapons. The Director of the US National Reconnaissance Office Donald Kerr confirmed a Chinese laser had illuminated a US satellite ... A US NSC spokesman said China fired a missile to destroy an orbiting ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China's Narratives Regarding National Security Policy," March 10, 2011

in the public gallery, for joining us for today’s hearing. Today’s topic is one ... that will shape U.S. foreign policy for decades to come. This dramatic story has ... economic development. These apparent contradictions leave U.S. policymakers ...

PRC State Council, China's Military Strategy in 2015, May 26, 2015

to the Asia-Pacific region, the US carries on its "rebalancing" strategy ... and the general headquarters/departments, improve the leadership and management ... of military relationship with the US armed forces that conforms to the new model ...

National Development and Reform Commission, Report on the Implementation of the 2009 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2010 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development, March 5, 2010

release of information by government departments was set up, and guidance ... and export volume reached US$2.20722 trillion in 2009, including exports ... that will confront us for some time to come. Internationally, although the world ...

John Hay to Andrew White, "First 'Open Door' Note, Sept. 6, 1899

December 13, 1901 Department of State, Washington, September 6, 1899 At the time when the Government of the United States was informed by that of Germany that it had leased from His Majesty the Emperor of China the port ...

China's Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean

and expand exchanges and cooperation between the consular departments ... information departments of the two sides and provide convenience for media ... relevant departments of the two sides. It will continue to respond positively ...
