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Tiananmen Square Document 4: Student Demonstrations Update, 1986

The cable notes how the recent spate of demonstrations provoked criticism from the Chinese government who warned that the adoption of "overly energetic methods" to express views could affect stability and interfere with societal functions. (Dece ...

Tiananmen Square Document 7: Memorandum of Conversation, George Bush Meeting with Wan Li, 1989

This document, a heavily excised summary transcript of their conversation, indicates that the subject of the student demonstrations did come up at their meeting. (May 23, 1989) ...

Tiananmen Square Document 12: Cable, SITREP 1, 1989

This document, the first in this series of SITREPs, updates U.S. embassy and consular personnel around the world on the first violent clashes with demonstrators. (June 3, 1989) ...

Tiananmen Square Document 13: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 4, 1989, China: Troops Open Fire, 1989

The document describes how civilians turned out in massive numbers and fought for seven hours to prevent the troops from advancing on the square. ...

Tiananmen Square Document 16: Cable, China Task Force Situation Report No. 3- Situation as of 1700 EDT, 6/4/89, 1989

The State Department's China task force was busy updating other diplomatic and consular posts around the world on the situation in Beijing. (June 4, 1989) ...

Tiananmen Square Document 17: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 5, 1989, China: After the Bloodbath, 1989

By the morning of June 5 (Eastern Standard Time) the "severity of the assault" had become clear to U.S. officials. ...

Tiananmen Square Document 19: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 6, 1989, China: Descent into Chaos, 1989

This Department of State morning summary describes clashes among different PLA units, with sources claiming that in many cases the soldiers were sympathetic with the demonstrators and often complicit in the destruction of their own military vehicles. ...

Tiananmen Square Document 20: Cable, TFCH01--SITREP No. 37: June 7, 0500 Hours Local, 1989

Embassy officials report continuing large-scale troop movements around Beijing. (June 6, 1989) ...

Tiananmen Square Document 21: Secretary of State's Morning Summary for June 7, 1989, China: Tense Standoff Continues, 1989

By the time the State Department had put together this intelligence summary for the Secretary on the morning of June 7, many of the rumors generated in the past two days we refuted. ...

Tiananmen Square Document 22: Cable, TFCH01--SITREP No. 38: June 7, 1900 Hours, 1989

This intriguing cable describes a sequence of events that occurred as a large convoy of troops from the 27th Army passed near the Jianguomenwai diplomatic compound and U.S. embassy residences on their way out of the city as part of a major troop rotation. ...
