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U.S. Dep. Asst. Secretary of State Thomas Christensen, “Shaping China’s Global Choices Through Diplomacy,” March 18, 2008

of developing countries. Third, mainland China competes with Taiwan for diplomatic ... of the Taiwan Strait. Although there has been less overt saber-rattling ... to squeeze Taiwan’s diplomatic space cause us concern, and we are frank ...

Press Release: U.S.- China Economic and Security Review Commission Annual Report November 20, 2008

to China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan; commissioned original research; ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China's Growth as a Regional Economic Power: Impact and Implications for the U.S.," December 4, 2003

in Taiwan, which of all the Asian industrial economies has the heaviest ‘‘trade ... Several of our panelists concluded that Japan, South Korea, Taiwan ...

Whither China: From Membership to Responsibility?, 2005

Economic Cooperation forum. China’s choices about Taiwan will send ... policy remains based on the three communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act. It is important for China to resolve its differences with Taiwan peacefully. ...

Congressional Research Service, "China-U.S. Relations: Current Issues and Implications for U.S. Policy", April 2, 2009

of Taiwan, ongoing disputes over China's failure to protect U.S. ...

Wen Jiabao, 2012 Report on the Work of the Government, March 5, 2012

to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and our diplomatic work.   Our hard-won ... special administrative regions and in Taiwan, as well as overseas Chinese. ...

Joint Statement Between The People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation, April 6, 2007

principled position on Taiwan and Tibet. 3. The two sides will continue ...

Barack Obama and Xi Jinping, Joint Press Conference, September 25, 2015

and the Taiwan Relations Act.   Fourth, we’ve agreed to do more to promote ...
