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U.S. Deputy Asst. Sec. Christensen, “A Strong and Moderate Taiwan,” September 11, 2007

for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Speech to U.S.-Taiwan Business Council ... to all of you for being here – especially our friends from Taiwan, who have ... to thank the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council, which has established ...

Michael Pompeo, On Taiwan’s Election, January 11, 2020

March 4, 2020 On Taiwan’s Election PRESS STATEMENT MICHAEL R. ... Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on her re-election in Taiwan’s presidential election. We also congratulate Taiwan for once again demonstrating the strength ...

Congressional Research Service, “U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues,” April 22, 2014

policy on Taiwan. This report will be updated as warranted. Taiwan formally ... with Taiwan after recognition of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1979. The State Department claims an “unofficial” U.S. relationship with Taiwan ...

Congressional Research Service, China/Taiwan: Evolution of the “One China” Policy—Key Statements from Washington, Beijing, and Taipei, June 24, 2011

statements in four decades, the U.S. “one China” policy concerning Taiwan ... and key statements by Washington, Beijing, and Taipei. Taiwan formally calls ... over Taiwan; PRC use of force or coercion against Taiwan ...

Chinese Government White Paper on “China’s Policy on ‘Three Direct Link’ Across the Taiwan Straits,” 2003

the Taiwan Straits Contents Foreword I. The Status Quo of the "Three ... Conclusion Foreword Owing to the military confrontation across the Taiwan ... of the Taiwan Straits were totally suspended, resulting in total division between ...

Congressional Research Service, "Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales Since 1990," February 16, 2010

This report, updated as warranted, discusses U.S. security assistance to Taiwan ... and legislation. Congress has oversight of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), P.L. 96-8, which has governed arms sales to Taiwan since 1979, when the United States ...

Congressional Research Service, “Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales since 1990,” February 11, 2009

This report, updated as warranted, discusses U.S. security assistance to Taiwan ... and legislation. Congress has oversight of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), P.L. 96-8, which has governed arms sales to Taiwan since 1979, when the United States ...

Congressional Research Service, "Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales Since 1990," December 2, 2009

This report, updated as warranted, discusses U.S. security assistance to Taiwan ... and legislation. Congress has oversight of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), P.L. 96-8, which has governed arms sales to Taiwan since 1979, when the United States ...

Congressional Research Service, "Taiwan: Major U.S. Arms Sales Since 1990," February 10, 2011

This report, updated as warranted, discusses U.S. security assistance to Taiwan ... and legislation. Congress has oversight of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), P.L. 96-8, which has governed arms sales to Taiwan since 1979, when the United States ...

H.Con.Res.53: Expressing the sense of the Congress regarding a private visit by President Lee Teng-hui of the Republic of China on Taiwan to the United States, 1995

on Taiwan to the United States. Sponsor: Rep Lantos, Tom [CA-12] (introduced ... aspirations of the people of Taiwan; Whereas the Republic of China on Taiwan (known as Taiwan) is the United States sixth largest trading partner ...
