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Teaching About Asia- February 2008

Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mongolia.  She founded in 1993 and continues to lead ...

China and the WTO: Compliance and Monitoring, 2004

where we disagree-- human rights, nonproliferation, Taiwan, and market ...

Yang Jiechi, "Remarks on U.S.-China Relations," March 7, 2012

by principle and honor its commitments on issues related to Taiwan and Tibet, so ...

US and PRC Governments, Statements on China’s East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone, November – December, 2013

the Republic of Korea, and Taiwan, and includes territory administered by Japan. ... defense zone, and also part of it covers Taiwan. But it looks like the U.S. ... control because the ADIZ of Japan and South Korea and in Taiwan ...

Conversation between the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin and China's Mao Zedong, 1949

and air base on the island of Formosa [Taiwan]. Our lack of naval forces ...

China-Japan Joint Press Communiqué, 2007

together to create a better future for bilateral relations. On the Taiwan ...

China-Pakistan Joint Declaration, November 11, 2003

legal government representing the whole of China and Taiwan an inalienable ...

Zhang Boshu, "The Way to Resolve the Tibet Issue," April 2008

Recently Taiwan successfully changed the ruling party for the second time. ... Communist Party cannot accommodate unification between Taiwan ... the day come when Taiwan finally returns to the motherland, Tibet achieves ...

Treaty of Shimonoseki, 1895

and annotations added in brackets. Initially prepared for the web by The Taiwan ...
