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U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing on the Foreign Investment Climate in China: Present Challenges and Potential Reform," January 28, 2015

Good morning, and welcome to the first hearing of the U.S.-China Economic ... the year. Our next hearing on February 18 will examine China’s space and counterspace programs. Future hearing topics this year include China-Central Asia ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China's State Control Mechanisms and Methods," April 14, 2005

STATEMENT BY CHAIRMAN C. RICHARD D’AMATO Today’s hearing on “China’s State ... the People’s Republic of China. Quite often, this topic is discussed under the heading of China’s political reform – but I think that today’s hearing ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Symposia on Transatlantic Perspectives on Economic and Security relations with China," November 30, 2004

Good morning. On behalf of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review ... exchange of views and ideas about China’s growing role in the world ... with China.’’ Our Commission was established by the United States Congress ...

Talking Points: October 21- November 4, 2009

programing. It's just one of the interesting China-focused programs underway. Elsewhere exhibitions look at European images of China, the history of tea, and much more. The next week will be a busy one for USC’s China ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China's Role in the Origins of and Response to the Global Recession," February 17, 2009

to this hearing on “China’s Role in the Origins of and Response to the Global Recession.” My name is Carolyn Bartholomew. I am the Chairman of the U.S.-China ... of bilateral trade and economic relations between the United States and China. We ...

PRC State Council Information Office, Report on China’s Position on the China-US Economic and Trade Consultations, June 2019

of this report. Preface The China-US commercial relationship serves as both ... of the world. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China ... and friction in their commercial cooperation. The history of China-US trade ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China and the Middle East (Webcast)," June 6, 2013

Good morning and thank you for joining us. Today’s hearing on “China ... Today’s hearing will examine China’s relations with the Middle East. ... in the context of China’s broader economic and strategic objectives. While China ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China's Expanding Global Influence- Foreign Policy Goals, Practices, and Tools," March 18, 2008

and welcome to the third hearing of the U.S.-China Commission’s 2008 reporting cycle. Today, the Commission will examine the impact of China’s expanding ... and intentions of China’s foreign policy and the tools used to implement ...

Xu, China and the Great War: China's Pursuit of a New National Identity and Internationalization, 2005.

January 1, 2005 Xu Guoqi. China and the Great War: China ... H-War (December, 2005) Beyond Betrayal: The Larger Picture of China and World War I Discussions of China and World War I tend to focus narrowly ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China Trade/Sectoral and WTO Issues," June 14, 2001

U.S.-China Commission, a statutory permanent Congressional advisory body, ... Authorization Bill, is to conduct an integrated assessment of the U.S.-China ... the overall relationship, but with China now becoming America’s primary ...
