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USC and China in the News, July and August 2011

China-related news stories featuring University of Southern California faculty, students, staff, and programs. ...

Council on Foreign Relations, "CFR Backgrounders: The China-North Korea Relationship," August 22, 2014

and provides a buffer zone between China and democratic South Korea, which ... If North Korea does provoke a war with the United States, China and South ... August 22, 2014 Introduction China is North Korea's most ...

Xi Jinping, Keynote Speech Opening the Second Belt and Road Forum, April 26, 2019

of the People's Republic of China At the Opening Ceremony of the Second Belt ... agreements on Belt and Road cooperation with China. The complementarity between ... and opened up new horizon for China's development and opening-up. ...

Expo Blog: September- The USA Pavilion at 5 Million

and the restlessness of the city. The ancient town of Qibao lies about an hour south ... of China,” accompanied by beautiful pictures of serenity and peace. ... and their gardens are metaphorical representations of an ideal world, where in a sea ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, “China’s New Leadership and Implications for the United States,” February 7, 2013

House Office Building, Independence Avenue and South Capitol Street, ... hearing of the U.S.-China Commission's 2013 Annual Report cycle. Let me ... the changes in China's political, economic, and security landscape ...

U.S. State Department, The PRC’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy, March 12, 2020

China Sea.  You could scale it even more down and put it somewhere.  You ... for our National Security Strategy that the People’s Republic of China calls ... for a very simple idea.  The People’s Republic of China is targeting emerging ...

U.S. Department of Defense News Briefing, Adm. Keating following Kitty Hawk incident, 2007

to the Bay of Bengal just south of Bangladesh, and on board Kearsarge ... of any long-term either relationship with China and any future efforts ... want to engage in even discourse. I'm hoping to go to China ...

US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Capability of the People’s Republic of China to Conduct Cyber Warfare and Computer Network Exploitation," October 9, 2009

source assessment of China’s capability to conduct computer network ... will hopefully serve as useful reference to policymakers, China specialists, ... five broad categories to show how the People’s Republic of China (PRC) ...

PRC State Council, Youth of China in the New Era, April 21, 2022

in the quest for national rejuvenation. After 1840, China was gradually reduced ... and China's civilization was plunged into darkness. China's youth gradually ... of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and announced the founding of the Party, ...

Lowell Dittmer, University of California, Berkeley

(University of Washington Press, 1992), China’s Quest for National Identity, with Samuel Kim (Cornell University Press, 1993), China Under Reform (Westview ... in East Asia (Cambridge, 2000), South Asia's Nuclear Security Dilemma: ...
