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Sir, "Autophagy and hepatitis C and hepatitis B viruses," 2008

due to HCV infection. In China, HBV is more prevalent and accounts ...

Lin, "Communication and community-building: The role of ethnic media in the Chinese immigrant community of Los Angeles," 2004

time on ethnic media than Chinese immigrants from Mainland China and Hong ...

Chu, " 'Catholic,' 'Mestizo,' 'Sangley': Negotiating 'Chinese' identities in Manila 1870--1905," 2003

to China, and even spoke Chinese. Furthermore, both the Chinese and mestizos ...

Van Dyke, "Port Canton and the Pearl River Delta, 1690--1845," 2002

August 24, 2009 Paul Arthur Van Dyke, Ph.D. Abstract (Summary) The enormous growth of the China trade from 1700 to 1842 is a phenomenon that has never been clearly explained. Without knowing why the trade grew, we ...

Bai, "Deception: Differences between Chinese and Americans," 2000

of Tianjin, the People's Republic of China. The Chinese participants were ...

Sun, "Urban landscape and cultural imagination: Literature, film, and visuality in semi-colonial Shanghai, 1927-1937," 1999.

of the "indigenous" and "authentic" China and which reduces Shanghai as a mere ...

Tan, "On improving college English students' reading proficiency at Fujian Normal University," 1998

at Fujian Normal University in the People's Republic of China. This study ...

Orliski, "Reimagining the domestic sphere: Bourgeois nationalism and gender in Shanghai, 1904-1918," 1998

domestic and public feminism in early twentieth century China gave private ...

Yu, "Political party transformation in the context of nation-state democratization: The case of the Kuomintang (KMT) in Taiwan," 1997

revolution in mainland China. In 1986, Chiang's son Chiang Ching-kuo, who ...
