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Ronald Steel's book on Walter Lippman published in Chinese

March 13, 2009 A Chinese translation of Ronald Steel’s classic biography of Walter Lippman (李普曼传) was published by China CITIC Press (中信出版社). Prior to becoming a university professor, Ronald Steel served in the U.S. ...

Documenting the Global City Project, Beijing 2009-- Big Red Heart 一颗红心

December 19, 2009 USC film student  combined with Communication University of China student Cao Jingping to produce Big Red Heart. The film focuses on Li Xiaoqi, a Beijing artist who has undertaken a campaign to get ...

Documenting the Global City Project, Beijing 2009-- Invisible Wall 我的小升初

December 19, 2009 USC film student Adan Avalos and Communication University of China student Han Xie went to Picun, a migrant village outside Beijing, to explore the choices available to a family there. The family ...

Documenting the Global City Project, Beijing 2009-- Shadow House 唱影

December 19, 2009 USC film student Laura Yilmaz and Communication University of China student Yang Yijing collaborated on this look at a dying art form, shadow puppetry, and the lively artists who create it. The art ...

Documenting the Global City Project, Beijing 2009-- Turn of the Harvest 凑活

December 19, 2009 USC film student Tani Ikeda combined with Communication University of China student Channa Wulan for this look at a family in rural Beijing. The family raises wheat on its assigned land and has other ...

USC and Tsinghua University Engineering Faculty Gather

School of Engineering and China’s leading technical institution gathered ... alternately gather in China and California, was launched four years ago ... for Northern California. He later returned to China to co-found Northern Light ...

“Harmonious Society” in Action- Tools the Chinese Communist Party is Using to Mitigate Socio-economic Tensions, Derek Liu

December 9, 2011 Derek Liu examines what drives the provision of social welfare in China. He argues that the central authorities are able to use promotion as a mechanism to shape policy at the local level despite ...

Chinese American Film Festival 2012- Chinese Screen and Modernity 中国镜像与现代性

that provided popular in China. At USC five AICCC scholars will discuss ... headed the USC U.S.-China Institute since it was established by USC President C.L. Nikias in 2006 to focus on the multidimensional U.S.-China ...

Chinese American Film Festival 2012- Sherwood Hu

selected five films that provided popular in China. At USC five AICCC ...

Fall 2010 Professional Development Seminar- UTLA

August 15, 2010 The USC U.S. – China Institute invites K-12 ... September 24, 2010, or until seminar is full The USC U.S. – China Institute ... Geography / Premodern China, Japan, and Korea (philosophy, social structure, ...
