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U.S. National Security Council, Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific, February 2018

an Indo-Pacific nation. From our first trading ships that departed for China just ... such as the U.S. Strategic Approach to the People’s Republic of China, the U.S. Strategic Framework for Countering China’s Economic Aggression, the U.S. ...

American Association of University Professors, Confucius Institutes, June 2014

Republic of China. Most agreements establishing Confucius Institutes feature ... and practices of the government of China. Specifically, North American ... informative article on Confucius Institutes, see Marshall Sahlins, “China U.” ...

Congressional Research Service, “Rare Earth Elements in National Defense: Background, Oversight Issues, and Options for Congress,” December 23, 2013

Since then, production has shifted almost entirely to China, in part due ... are that China now produces about 90- 95% of the world’s rare earth oxides ... makes specialty materials from rare earths at factories based in China ...

Congressional Research Service, Taiwan – Issues for Congress, October 30, 2017

the Republic of China (ROC), is an island democracy of 23 million people located across the Taiwan Strait from mainland China. It is the United States’ ... of China (PRC) and break formal diplomatic ties with self-ruled Taiwan, over ...

Christopher Ford, State Department, Huawei and its Siblings, the Chinese Tech Giants: National Security and Foreign Policy Implications, Sept. 11, 2019

in high-technology engagement with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) – and indeed ... merely from more general U.S. trade and tariff disputes with China ... – a development employed for many years by the Chinese Communist Party in China ...

Franke and Loeken, Losers and Winners (film), 2007

iconography of China as a vast market, and therefore a land of opportunity ... by images of China as a challenging economic super-power, a dragon hungry ... to estimates, will double over the next decade.  China has also become one ...

President Bush's Toast at the Welcoming Banquet in Beijing, 1989

to China. I first came here in 1974 and departed at the end of 1975. And since ... of China have more opportunities to express themselves and to make important ... and the United States welcomes the enlarged role that China has taken in the world. ...

National People's Congress, 1993 Amendments to the PRC Constitution, March 29, 1993

March 29, 1993 Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1975   |  Constitution of the People’s Republic of China 1978  |  Constitution of the People’s Republic of China  1982  (amended through 2004) |  1988 Amendments ...

Wu Bangguo, “2013 Work Report of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee,” March 8, 2013

the past five years, the Communist Party of China (CPC) united with and led ... Party Congress for China's legislative work. To attain ... on the national conditions and realities in China; meets the needs of reform, ...

National Energy Administration, "To Change the Mode of Development and Speed up the Restructuring of Energy Industry; To Build a Steady, Economical, Clean and Safe Energy Supply System" June 1, 2009

in China's energy development. The first is energy supply capacity has been ... China has participated in nearly 60 international bilateral ... and development, refinery and pipeline works. China has become a major energy ...
