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Huang, "A configuration study of multiagency partnerships as practiced in Taipei City government," 2001

organizations and human networks, cultivating a collaborative culture ...

Chen, "Understanding the Buddhist Tzu-Chi Association: A cultural approach," 1990

for attaining organizational goals, (3) "irrational" elements of human ...

Buettner, "Science, religion, and ethics in the writings of Joseph Needham," 1987

be reduced to the rules of the lower level. Human beings are the highest level ...

Wu, "The gothic world of foxes, ghosts, demons and monsters: A study of Liaozhai Zhiyi," 1987

fiction. In both traditions, gothic fiction emphasizes the human world rather ...

Kato, "Reconciling socialism with the market: The "privatization" debates in China (1993--2002)," 2008.

and the property rights/shareholding reforms during the Jiang Zemin era from 1993 ...

Fulton, "Chinese disability policies and teacher attitudes toward integrated education," 1998

the rights of persons with disabilities to be integrated into society. Given ...

Qiu, "Ownership, incentive contracts, and autonomy of Chinese TVEs," 1997

as they are largely collective enterprises. Without clearly defined property rights ...

Chen, "The nine songs: a reexamination of shamanism in ancient china," 1986

of the Nine Songs in the context of shamanism was an investigation in the right ...
