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2008-2009 USCI Faculty Research Grants

number of frail older persons who need supportive environments connected ...

Teaching About Asia- January 2010

the environment and will look to engage children ages 5-18 as leaders ...

President Reagan's Remarks to Chinese Community Leaders in Beijing, China, 1984

in the zero gravity environment of space offers dazzling opportunities ...

Premier Zhu's Interview with Peter Kann, 1999

because the investment environment in China is obviously much better than ...

2006 Report to Congress on China's WTO Compliance

2005 JCCT meetings not to negatively affect the regulatory environment ...

U.S. Ambassador Clark T. Randt, Jr. on U.S.-China relations, USC Herbert G. Klein Lecture, April 21, 2008

on the environment, but it also creates an opportunity and a market for American clean ...

U.S. Dep. Asst. Secretary of State Thomas Christensen, “Shaping China’s Global Choices Through Diplomacy,” March 18, 2008

in East Asia, has provided the stable environment in which China has been ...

James Steinberg, [Obama] Administration's Vision of the U.S.-China Relationship, September 24, 2009

security environment, we make the judgments about what is necessary ...

US-Chinese governments, "Joint US-China Economic Track Fact Sheet," May 25, 2010

human development in the poorest and most challenging environments ...

US-Chinese officials, "Opening Session of the Second Strategic and Economic Dialogue," May 23, 2010

the environment, counterterrorism, non-proliferation, law enforcement, science ...
