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U.S. Congressional–Executive Commission on China, "Annual Report 2005," October 11, 2005

of religious belief found in the new Regulation. The religious environment ... are not yet prepared to compete in the economic and ethnic environment created ...

David Helvey, Remarks to the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council Defense Industry Conference, Oct. 3, 2016

environment and Beijing's long-term comprehensive military modernization. ... in a stable cross-Strait environment from which everyone in the region benefits. ...

PRC State Council, China's National Defense In 1998

and cherishes dearly an environment of long-term international peace, especially a favorable peripheral environment. The Chinese people are willing, together ... In the new international security environment, while stressing the settlement ...

U.S. Department of Defense, Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China, 2020

and principles it views as essential to forging an external environment conducive ... presence, are necessary to create a “favorable” international environment ...

The Future of Political, Economic and Security Relations with China, 2007

security and protecting the environment;     3) Stemming the proliferation ...

The Effects and Consequences of an Emerging China, 2003

the environment. Successfully dealing with all of these problems will not be easy. ...

U.S. Treasury Sec. Paulson, “China and the Global Economy,” October 21, 2008

major achievements is the Ten Year Energy and Environment Cooperation ...

Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. Remarks on China and the Global Economy to the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations October 21, 2008

major achievements is the Ten Year Energy and Environment Cooperation ...

Robert Hormats, Addressing the Challenges of the China Model, May 11, 2011

the environment in which public and private entities compete, equalizing conditions ...

U.S. Department of State, 2011 Human Rights in China, May 24, 2012

environment remained a concern. As in prior years, authorities intensified ...
