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PRC State Council, China’s Foreign Trade, December 2011

countries. However, hindered by the international political environment ... of public safety and the environment in line with international conventions ... and consumption of resources, energy, land, manpower, environment, etc., while ...

Wen Jiabao, 2011 Report on the Work of the Government, March 5, 2011

the environment for the development of the non-public sector of the economy ... and protect the environment; ensure that economic and social development is coordinated with our population, resources and environment; and make development ...

Whither China: From Membership to Responsibility?, 2005

China clearly needs a benign international environment for its work ... of danger will undermine the benign security environment and healthy ...

Emergence of China in the Asia-Pacific: Economic and Security Consequences for the U.S., 2005

on the environment in which China makes its choices. To further integrate China ... to significantly improve IPR protection and the enforcement environment in China. We ...

U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on U.S.-China economic ties, October 23, 2007

with China's environment impacts all nations; air and water know no boundaries. ... illustrate my point: civil aviation, energy and the environment, and financial ...

Secretary Condoleeza Rice and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Beijing, Feb. 26, 2008

counter-terrorism and energy, the environment as well as other major international ... create a favorable environment for Chinese companies who want to make ...

Gary Locke, "Remarks to US-China Business Council," January 13, 2011

environment in China – especially China's lax intellectual property ... the commercial environment in China. But it would be a mistake to portray ...

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, “Occupying the Information High Ground: Chinese Capabilities for Network Operations and Cyber Espionage,” March 7, 2012

industries countrywide. In the civilian academic environment, the PRC ... environment and sometimes against similar categories of targets. This overlap ...

U.S. Deputy Asst. Sec. Christensen, “A Strong and Moderate Taiwan,” September 11, 2007

will continue to flourish in an environment of peace and security; or whether all ... constitute an intrinsically challenging military environment, and wise defense ...

The Bush Administration's Second-Term Foreign Policy Toward East Asia, 2005

can help foster an environment in which a rising China acts ... diseases and protecting the environment. Regional arrangements also hold ...
