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China's Law on Regional National Autonomy, 1984

6091 words TEXT: PREFACE The People's Republic of China is a unitary ... of China for the solution of the national question in China through its ... strive to help the national autonomous areas speed up their economic ...

Foreign Correspondents Club of China, Recent incidents of interference in reporting, September 15, 2015

The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China’s Media Freedom Committee has ... correspondents in China to inform us of any similar experiences they have had. ...   July 2015 Beijing British news outlet I was detained by security ...

Daniel Russel, “Remarks at USCI’s China’s Growing Pains Conference,” April 22, 2016

to make Iran’s heavy water research reactor proliferation-resistant. China ... understand China’s need for internal economic reforms and a transition ... April 22, 2016 Remarks at "China's Growing Pains" ...

Anti-Secession Law adopted by NPC March 14, 2005

mail and air and shipping services, and bring about closer economic ties ... of China Hu Jintao President of the People's Republic of China No. 34 ... People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on March 14, 2005, ...

President Chen Shui-bian, New Year’s Address January 1, 2008

regarding economic and trade relations with China can be assessed. All ... economic relations. Though China is a vast and very important market, it most ... Party of China in Beijing, Chinese President Hu Jintao, for the first ...

U.S. Department of Justice, Huawei and its CFO Meng Wanzhou Charged with Financial Fraud, Jan. 28, 2019

manufacturer, with headquarters in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) ... to violate and substantive violations of the International Emergency Economic ... Whitaker.  “As I told Chinese officials in August, China must hold its citizens ...

PRC State Council, The Socialist System of Laws with Chinese Characteristics, October 27, 2011

in the economic, political, cultural and social life of China, the Fifth Session ... contributed to China's economic, political, cultural and social development ... market economic activities gradually took form and quickly developed. China ...

Resolution on US Citizens/Residents of Chinese Ancestry Detained in China, 2001

of China, apparently for conducting research which documented violations ... Ancestry Detained in China   House Resolution 160, United States House ... of China has arrested and detained several scholars and intellectuals ...

U.S. Department of State, 2008 Human Rights in Taiwan, Feb. 25, 2009

Department report on human rights in China and other countries, U.S. Secretary ... of the service to qualifying defendants. On December 29, the LAF announced that in addition to its existing 20 branches, which serviced all 23 cities ...

Council on Foreign Relations, "CFR Backgrounders: South China Sea Tensions," May 14, 2014

and islands of the South China Sea have roiled relations between China ... roughly the entire South China Sea. The region is home to a wealth ... are at stake in the increasingly frequent diplomatic standoffs. China ...
