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Video: Lucy Hornby on Covid-19's Impact on the U.S.-China Rivalry

July 24, 2020 Has the coronavirus given China a stronger hand in international affairs? Lucy Hornby, long-time China correspondent at the  ... for Journalism at Harvard. She has lived in China for 20 years, most recently ...

Video: Nick Cull Examines How Covid-19 Has Affected World Leadership

May 29, 2020 This talk looks at the impact of the Covid 19 crisis on the battle of images between the United States and China.  It considers the key ... Tags:  covid-19 coronavirus US-China rivalry Custom Thumbnail:  Video ...

传染病信息报告管理规范, October 29, 2015

  (三)各级各类医疗机构应将传染病信息报告管理工作纳入工作考核范围,定期进行自查。   Section:  Documents- Contemporary China Topic:  Health Politics ...
