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Barack Obama and Hu Jintao, Press Conference, January 19, 2011

countries is also good for China. China’s extraordinary economic growth has ... and balanced global economic recovery.  We agreed that in China, this means ... that China’s rise offers enormous economic opportunity.  We want to sell you all ...

China's Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean

Contemporary China Topic:  Economics Politics Tags:  foreign policy trade public ... between China and Latin America, click here.   China's Policy Paper ... of the times. The move toward multi-polarity is irreversible and economic ...

Video: “China policy is a subset of our Asia policy, and not the other way around” – Daniel Russel opens USCI “China’s Growing Pains” Conference

to make Iran’s heavy water research reactor proliferation-resistant. China ... understand China’s need for internal economic reforms and a transition ... and Pacific Affairs noted how U.S.-China cooperation can move the world forward ...

Pravda, The Anti-Soviet Policy of Communist China, Feb. 16, 1967

of Communist China (February 16, 1967) …never before has such a fierce campaign ... by the present leaders of China...In their shameless violations of the existing ... are today directing the policy of China, are setting themselves the goal ...

Daniel Russel, “Remarks at USCI’s China’s Growing Pains Conference,” April 22, 2016

to make Iran’s heavy water research reactor proliferation-resistant. China ... understand China’s need for internal economic reforms and a transition ... April 22, 2016 Remarks at "China's Growing Pains" ...

Consolidating China-Africa Traditional Friendship and Deepening China-Africa All-round Cooperation, February 4, 2004

international economic and political order that is fair and equitable. China ... of China's Africa policy. As China grows stronger economically, we ... like to see China and Africa become closer partners in trade and economic ...

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Washington, 2003

businesses in China.     Accelerated economic growth in China will provide new ... Section:  Documents Documents- US-China Topic:  Economics Politics ... I wish to thank the National Committee on US-China relations, the US-China ...

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu's Remarks on China-ROK, China-Japan Foreign Ministers' Meetings May 15, 2010

and sensitive, China hopes parties concerned could put peninsular and regional ... to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. Yang Jiechi reiterated China ... that China’s position on the East China Sea is clear-cut and consistent. China ...

Major significance of China's return to UN 35 years ago, 2006

the legal status of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in the United Nations on October 25, 1971. So it is a commemorative day today for China ... for Restoration of China's seat at the UN then, Wu Jianmin, the current ...