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China's Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean

Contemporary China Topic:  Economics Politics Tags:  foreign policy trade public ... between China and Latin America, click here.   China's Policy Paper ... of the times. The move toward multi-polarity is irreversible and economic ...

Vice Premier Wu: China's Development Road, 2006

as a developing country. With a big population and a weak economic foundation, China ... 1 by ratio. China's economic aggregate ranked the fourth worldwide in 2005, ... structure, if an 8 percent economic growth rate is sustained, China will create ...

PRC State Council, Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang, September 24, 2015

Economic Relations and Trade Fairs and four China-Eurasia Expos. It has set ... September 24, 2015 Foreword China is a unified and multiethnic country. Xinjiang has been home to several of China's ethnic peoples ...