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Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Mnuchin, and Secretary Ross, Briefing on President Trump's Meetings with President Xi of China, April 7, 2017

would go through the normal CFIUS process.    Thank you.   MR. SPICER: ...

U.S. State Department, The PRC’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy, March 12, 2020

to this? SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL:   Are you talking about the CFIUS ...

Trump Administration, U.S. Strategic Approach to the People's Republic of China, May 20, 2020

the capacity of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS ... of investment structures, which previously fell outside CFIUS jurisdiction.  ...

Special US Treasury Envoy Alan Holmer, “Sustaining Economic Growth,” May 21, 2008

Investment in the United States (CFIUS), and the vast majority of those were ...

U.S. Dep. Asst. Secretary of State Thomas Christensen, “Shaping China’s Global Choices Through Diplomacy,” March 18, 2008

prerogative. Likewise, we believe that mechanisms like the CFIUS (Committee ...

Vice Pres. Mike Pence, “On the Administration’s Policy toward China,” October 4, 2018

interests, we’ve recently strengthened CFIUS — the Committee on Foreign ...
