Happy Lunar New Year from the USC US-China Institute!
East Asia: Origins To 1800
Session(s) date
This complimentary seminar offers in-depth presentations on the history and culture of the region as well as aids K-12 educators incorporate these learnings into their curriculums.
- $250 stipend
- For LAUSD educators, 2 LAUSD salary points (no fee)
- For all other districts, 6 Continuing Education Units (processing fee applicable)
- East Asia-focused resources and materials for use in the classroom
*Must complete seminar requirements.
- Chinese Philosophy
- Pre-modern Korea
- Imperial China
- Classical and Warrior Japan
- East Asian literature and history and much more!
How to apply
- Step 1: Submit your application online (below).
- Step 2: Email your resume to asiak12@usc.edu.
- Step 3: Ask your school principal to confirm your teaching assignment by emailing asiak12@usc.edu.
- Step 4: Mail us a refundable $50 check.
*Applicants will be notified within one week once all four items are received.
Contact Information
Phone: 213-821-4382
Fax: 213-821-2382
USC U.S.-China Institute
Attn: Asia K-12
3502 Watt Way, ASC G24
Los Angeles, CA 90089
This program is sponsored by the USC U.S.-China Institute and the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia.
Featured Articles
We note the passing of many prominent individuals who played some role in U.S.-China affairs, whether in politics, economics or in helping people in one place understand the other.
Ying Zhu looks at new developments for Chinese and global streaming services.
David Zweig examines China's talent recruitment efforts, particularly towards those scientists and engineers who left China for further study. U.S. universities, labs and companies have long brought in talent from China. Are such people still welcome?