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Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Ying Wang

December 5, 2012

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is "Why Grassroots Stars Shine: Examining Social Media Audiences’ Motives And Involvement.”

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Cara Wallis

December 5, 2012

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is "New Media Technologies in China’s ‘New Socialist Countryside’: Techno-Sustenance and the Possibilities for Social Transformation”

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Leizhen Zang

December 5, 2012

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is "Internet Use, Political Efficacy, State Governance: Studies of Political Participation and Government Reactions in the Information Age.”

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Jonathan Hassid

December 5, 2012

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is "Frenemy: How Chinese Journalists Perceive the Internet.”

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Yun Long

December 4, 2012

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is "Mapping Online Entertainment: Interplay of Politics, Economy, and Culture"

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Bingchun Meng

December 4, 2012

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is “Mediated Citizenship or Mediatized Politics? Political Discourse on Chinese Internet.”

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Benjamin Chiao

December 4, 2012

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is "Laws and Economics of Network Governance: Network Convergence and Deregulation in China.”

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Deqiang Ji

December 4, 2012

Speaker at the 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is "Mapping Online Entertainment: Interplay of Politics, Economy, and Culture"

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Min Jiang

December 4, 2012

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is “Chinese National Search Engine: National Identity, Ideological State Apparatus or Panopticon?”

Chinese Internet Research Conference 2012: Fei Jiang

December 4, 2012

Speaker at 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research Conference. The title of the presentation is “Reconsidering Community Medium in Context of Internet.”
