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Dekle, Robert


Contact Information

Professor of Economics
Dornsife College of Letters, Arts & Sciences
Office: KAP 324E
Phone: (213) 740-3528


  • Ph.D. (Economics), Yale University, 1988
  • Graduate studies, Hitotsubashi University, 1985-1986
  • B.A. (Economics), University of California, Berkeley, 1981

Robert Dekle is Professor of Economics at the University of Southern California. His areas of research specialization are international finance and open economy macroeconomics, especially of the Emerging Markets of East Asia, and the Japanese Economy. In addition to academia, he has extensive experience in government (Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Federal Reserve Bank of New York) and in international organizations (International Monetary Fund). He teaches courses in undergraduate macroeconomics and graduate international finance.

Prof. Dekle spoke on China's growth prospects at the Shanghai Forum in May 2007. Click here to read an article based on his presentation.

Description of Research
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Professor Dekle studies international finance, open-economy and development, macroeconomics and the economies of Japan and East Asia.
Research Keywords
Research Specialties
International Finance, Open Economy and Development, The Economies of Japan and East A

Selected Publications:

  • Dekle, R., Vandenbroucke, G. A Quantitative Analysis of China's Structural Transformation. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
  • Dekle, R., Vandenbroucke, G. (2010). Whither Chinese Growth?. Review of Development Economics.
  • Dekle, R., Chakraborty, S. (2009). Global Imbalances, Productivity Differentials, and Financial Integration. IMF Staff Papers.
  • Dekle, R., Chakraborty, S. (2009). Can International Productivity Differences Explain U.S. Current Account Deficits?. Review of International Economics.
  • Dekle, R., Eaton, J., Kortum, S. (2009). Global Rebalancing with Gravity: Measuring the Burden of Adjustment. IMF Staff Papers. (2009)
  • Dekle, R. (2007). A Reexamination of the Exchange Rate Disconnect Puzzle. American Economic Review.
  • Dekle, R. (2007). Exchange Rate Fluctuations, Financing Constraints, Hedging, and Exports: Evidence from Firm Level Data. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money.
  • Dekle, R. (2007). Unbalanced Trade. American Economic Review.
  • Dekle, R. (2006). The Thai Currency Crisis: Financing Constraints, High Fixed Costs, and Corporate Governance. Asian Economic Papers, MIT Press.
  • Dekle, R. (2005). Exchange Rate Exposure and Foreign Market Competition: Evidence from Japanese Firms. Journal of Business/University of Chicago. Vol. NA
  • Dekle, R. (2004). Financing Consumption in an Aging Japan: The Role of Foreign Capital Inflows and Immigration. Journal of Japanese and International Economies/Elsevier. Vol. 15


  • USC Advancing Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences Grant, 2011 for "Long Run Equilibrium Exchange Rates in the Pacific Rim: A U.S.-Japan-China Analysis"

Honors and Awards:

  • Haynes Foundation Faculty Fellowship, March 2000-2001  
  • Fulbright Fellowship to Japan, 1985
  • Phi Beta Kappa, 1981
  • Yale University Fellowship, 1981
  • U.C. Berkeley Regents' Scholarship, 1979