On September 29, 2024, the USC U.S.-China Institute hosted a workshop at the Huntington’s Chinese garden, offering K-12 educators hands-on insights into using the garden as a teaching tool. With expert presentations, a guided tour, and new resources, the event explored how Chinese gardens' rich history and cultural significance can be integrated into classrooms. Interested in learning more? Click below for details on the workshop and upcoming programs for educators.
Cheng, Harrison 鄭學成
Contact Information
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Office: KAP 324F
Phone: (213) 740-2105
E-mail: hacheng@usc.edu
- Ph.D. , University of California, Berkeley, 1977
Description of Research
Summary Statement of Research Interests
Professor Cheng teaches general equilibrium, game theory and Chinese economic development
Conference Presentations
- "Private Value Auctions, Resale and Common Value", Lecture/Seminar, Paper, Univeristy of California, Riverside, Invited, 02/22/2010-
- "Private Value Auctions, Resale and Common Value", Lecture/Seminar, Paper, Taipei, Taiwan, National Taiwan University, Invited, 12/03/2009
- "Private Value Auctions, Resale and Common Value", Western Economic Society Conference, Talk/Oral Presentation, Vancouver, Canada , Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Invited, 06/29/2009-07/03/2009
- "Private Value Auctions, Resale and Common Value", General Equilibrium Conference in Honor of Andreu Mas-Collel, Talk/Oral Presentation, Paper, Barcelona, Spain, Invited, 06/05/2009-06/07/2009
- "Private Value Auctions, Resale and Common Value", Lecture/Seminar, Oxford, England, Nuffield College, Oxford University, Invited, 05/26/2009-05/28/2009
- "Auctions with Resale and Bragaining Power", Boston IO conference , Talk/Oral Presentation, Refereed Northeastern University, Boston, MA, 04/03/2009-04/05/2009
- "Auctions with Resale and Bragaining Power", Lecture/Seminar, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona , Department of Economics, Eller College of Manage, Invited, 01/30/2009
- "Auctions with Resale and Bragaining Power", Lecture/Seminar, Paper, Tokyo, Japan, University of Tokyo, Invited, 12/16/2008
- "Auctions with Resale and Bragaining Power", 6th International Conference of Economic Theory, Kyoto, Talk/Oral Presentation, Paper, Kyoto, Japan, Invited, 12/12/2008-12/13/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", World Congress of Game Theory, Talk/Oral Presentation, Refereed Paper, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 07/13/2008-07/17/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", SITE summer workshops on market design, Talk/Oral Presentation, Refereed Paper, Stanford University, SITE, Invited, 06/23/2008-06/25/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", 2008 NASM of the Econometric Society, Talk/Oral Presentation, Paper, Pittsbuer, PA, Invited, 06/19/2008-06/23/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", Auctions Conference, Talk/Oral Presentation, Paper, Penn State University, State College, PA, Invited, 04/03/2008-04/05/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", SWET 2008 annual meeting , Talk/Oral Presentation, Refereed Paper, Univeristy of California, Santa Barbara, 02/29/2008-03/02/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", 2008 ASSA annual meeting , Talk/Oral Presentation, Refereed Paper, New Orleans, LA, 01/04/2008-01/06/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions", Midwest Economic Theory Meeting, Talk/Oral Presentation, Refereed Paper, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 11/01/2007-11/03/2007
- "Ranking Sealed High-bid and Open Auctions", Far East Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society , Talk/Oral Presentation, Refereed Paper, Taipei, Taiwan, 07/2007
Other Presentations
- "Auctions with Resale and Bragaining Power", Seminar, Dept of Economics, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, 11/12/2008
- "Auctions with Resale and Bragaining Power", Seminar, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University , Durham, NC, 11/03/2008
- "Auctions with Resale and Bragaining Power", Seminar, Dept of Economics, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 10/10/2008
- "Auctions with Resale and Bragaining Power", Seminar, Dept of Economics, U. of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 09/19/2008-09/29/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", Seminar, ECARES, Free U. of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 05/09/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", Seminar, Dept of Economics, Leicester University, Leicester, England, 04/24/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", Seminar, Dept of Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 04/21/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", Seminar, Dept. of Economics, U. of Virginia, Charllottesville, VA, 04/07/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", Seminar, Deprt of Economics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 03/31/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", Seminar, Department of Economics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 03/26/2008
- "Auctions with Resale and Bragaining Power", Seminar, School of Business, Kansas State University, Wichita, KS, 03/24/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions and Auctions with Resale", Seminar, Department of Economics, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 03/03/2008
- "Asymmetric Common Value Auctions", Seminar, Instittute of Economic Reserach, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 01/29/2008-01/30/2008
- "Auctions with Resale", Seminar, Instittute of Economic Reserach, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 07/2007
Book Review
- Cheng, H. (2007). Book Review of Asian Economic Cooperation in the New Millennium by Calla Wiener and Heping Cao. China Review International.
Journal Articles
- Cheng, H. (2010). Asymmetry and Revenue in First-Price Auctions. Economic Letters.
- Cheng, H. (2010). Optimal auction with discrete bidding. International Journal of Game Theory.
- Cheng, H., Tan, G. (2010). Asymmetric Common Value Auctions with Applications to Private Value Auctions with Resale. Economic Theory. Vol. 45 (1-2), pp. 253-290.
- Cheng, H. (2009). Auctions with Resale and Bargaining Power. Journal of Mathematical Economics.
- Cheng, H., Hsiao, C., Nugent, J. B., Qiu, J. (2006). Managerial Autonomy, Contractual Incentives and Productivity in a Transition Economy: Some Evidence from China's TVEs. Pacific Economic Review/Blackwell. Vol. 11 (3), pp. 341-361.
- Cheng, H. (2006). Ranking Sealed High-bid and Open Auctions. Journal of Mathematical Economics. Vol. special volume in honor of Gerard Debreu
Working Paper
- Cheng, H., Tan, G. Private-Auction, Resale and Common Value.
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