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A Profile of the Chinese Aged Population: Results from 2000 and 2006 National Surveys

Visitors from the China National Committee on Aging (CNCA) will discuss the current profile of the older population in China using results from two national studies.
March 20, 2007

For more articles and documents on aging, click here.

Sponsored by USC School of Social Work, China Program

Visitors from the China National Committee on Aging (CNCA) will discuss the current profile of the older population in China using results from two national studies. The data from these pioneering sources reveal trends and changes in older people's various aspects of life in China, including their economic well-being, social support, physical and mental health, health care, community services access and utilization.

Mr. Qingchun Yan, Vice President, CNCA
Mr. Kaiti Zhang, Director, China Research Center on Aging

The speakers will present results from the Sample Survey on Aged Population in Urban/Rural China (SSAPUR) conducted in 2000 and 2006. SSAPUR 2000 was the first national survey of older population sponsored by the Chinese government, with a nationally representative random sample of approximately 20,000 respondents from 20 provinces. SSAPUR 2006 has a similar sample size, using an improved sampling frame and enhanced questionnaire design. The 2006 survey included a sub-sample of 9,380 respondents from the 2000 survey.

11:00 am , USC Hamovitch Research Center
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More articles and documents on aging:

As China Ages: Elderly Health Outcomes and Socioeconomic Status | Social support, social change, and psychological well-being of the elderly in China: Does the type and source of support matter? | An elderly perspective: A case study of elderly residents' preferences and opinions on housing in various communities in Beijing | The Health and Well-Being of the Elderly in China: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS)China Trip Offers Wisdom on Aging | Intergenerational social support and the psychological well-being of older parents in China | Delegates Discuss Aging in China | Grant to Yield More Study on Elderly | A Profile of the Chinese Aged Population: Results from 2000 and 2006 National Surveys Aging in China Covered During USC Visit

