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Vistas of a World Beyond: Traditional Gardens in Chinese Material Culture

Traditional Chinese garden design and its characteristic elements have inspired the decor of works of art in China for many centuries. Han Zhu (Assistant Curator for Asian Art, JSMA) and Ina Asim (Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Oregon) explore the topic of Chinese scholar's garden, a private paradise, in selected objects from the JSMA Chinese collection.

June 17, 2014 12:00am to July 15, 2015 12:00am

The exhibition features woodblock prints related to scholar's garden from famous and wide-spread painting manualsTen Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (first printed in early 17th Century) and Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual (first printed in 1679). Exquisite textiles, paintings, and sculptures presenting garden iconography will also be included in the exhibition, extending the discussion to religious and theatrical spheres. The theme will be further explored in an electronic publication in the form of an iBook that will be accessible for visitors in the Chinese gallery. The iBook publication was made possible because of a JSMA Academic Support Grant.

Phone Number: 
(541) 346-3027