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China Today, China Tomorrow

Barbara Finamore and her colleagues will discuss where China is today and what they see for China tomorrow.

October 3, 2014 12:00pm to 12:00am

Barbara Finamore, Senior Attorney and Asia Director, Natural Resources Defense Council, China Program Director In 1996, following her work with the United Nations on China's first sustainability plan, Barbara Finamore undertook the challenge of establishing the Natural Resources Defense Council's first international office in Beijing. Barbara and her colleagues will discuss where China is today and what they see for China tomorrow. There are challenges ahead that must be faced – not only for China, but also for the future environmental, economic, conservation and sustainable impact that China has on the world. China’s decisions will have an effect on international health, safety and survival as we become more globally interconnected and interdependent

$7 students $20 non-members
Phone Number: 
(415) 597-6700