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Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in China: Polarization or Harmony?

A talk organized through the India China Institute at The New School in which Dr. Qin Gao will address topics related to poverty and inequality in China.

March 17, 2014 5:00pm to 6:30pm

China has had the world's greatest poverty reduction during the past 30 years, yet alongside this remarkable achievement are rapidly growing income inequality and many emerging welfare needs that threaten its sustained development and political stability. Is China truly close to eliminating poverty? How unequal is Chinese society? How have social policies in China evolved and to what extent are they addressing citizens' welfare needs? In this talk, Dr. Gao will examine these questions building on her extensive research on these topics using both empirical data and critical analysis.  

Moderator: Mark Frazier, Co-Academic Director, India China Institute

Discussant: Dr. Carl Riskin, Distinguished Professor of Economics, CUNY QueensCollege

This event is free, but seating is limited and reservations are required by emailing your name and confirmation of attendance to

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